Nancy Bailey-Pratt, M. Photog. Cr.; F-ASP

The “passion” developed in Nancy at the age of 8 and she has been behind the camera ever since. She graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology with a B. S. Degree in photography and soon after created Nancy’s Photography. Nancy loves a challenge and the variety of subjects she has photographed over the years from High School Seniors, Children, Weddings, Families to Flowers and Scenics . She has been producing award winning images since 1979 and has been listed in Indiana’s Top Ten Photographers numerous times.

Nancy holds the prestigious degrees of Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman. Her knowledge and expertise has allowed her to lecture all over the US sharing her ideas on photography. She was one of only 120 photographers world wide invited to put an album of her images into the Photography Hall of Fame in Oaklahoma.


Her greatest achievement in photography was to earn the Fellowship Degree from the American Society of Photography.  Since 1968, only 120 photographers across the globe have earned this prestigious award.  Nancy accomplished this through her portfolio of 25 images with a 2000 word statement describing her life work, professional achievements, personal experiences, future aspirations, and major influences.  As an ASP Fellow, Nancy now continues to better her profession and the lives of all she touches.